Rabbi Lauren is a rabbi rooted in Jewish tradition and practice who welcomes all kinds of Jewish.
Reach out to Rabbi Lauren if you:
- Are looking for pastoral care;
- Have questions about Judaism, Jewish life, texts, or ritual;
- Want to discuss how to integrate more Jewish ritual and spirituality in your life as an adult;
- Want to study Torah or delve more deeply into a specific Jewish text;
- Are interested in learning to lead Shabbat blessings, lead Havdalah, blow the shofar, or participate more fully in other Jewish rituals;
- Want to hang a mezuzah at your home;
- Are looking to get more involved in the Jewish community, professionally or personally;
- Would like to learn more about local synagogues and Jewish communities;
- Are in search of a referral for rabbi for a wedding or other lifecycle event;
- Were not raised Jewish and have questions about Judaism and Jewish practice.
You can reach her at rabbikurland@hilleluw.org or set up a time to meet.